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ALIMA Investigator Receives REACH Award

On November 19, 2019, ALIMA's President, Dr. Richard Kojan, was awarded the "Game Changing Innovator" award at the REACH (Recognizing Excellence Around Champions of Health) for his role in the creation of the CUBE (Biosecure Emergency Care Unit for Outbreaks). Dr. Kojan was presented the award by Bill Gates at the Last Mile Forum in Abu Dhabi. 

Read more about CUBE...


New York Times 10.26.18

Galas for Arts and Design

Fund-raisers were held for both former client Studio Museum in Harlem and current client the Harlem School of the Arts—and featured in the New York Times's Sunday Style section.

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City Lab 10.5.18

The High Line Gets an Opera

"The project brings together some of the most dynamic, community-engaged cultural institutions of all five boroughs, many frequently overlooked or underfunded. The groups contributed by recruiting singers and holding open rehearsals, workshops, and other consciousness-raising activities. All together, it has energized the spirit of community and arts engagement many have feared the city’s high rents and rampant corporate encroachment have pushed away."

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The New York Times 08.31.18

Flipping for Dance in the Catskills

"A watershed moment comes on Sept. 1, just down the road in Catskill, N.Y., when the tap king Savion Glover performs for the grand opening of Lumberyard Contemporary Performing Arts. That’s another creative residency center and a big one, with artist housing and a 7,000-square-foot performance space: a whole former lumberyard converted into a sort of factory for the finishing not of wood but of contemporary dance."

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Greenwich Patch 04.12.2017
Greenwich Historical Society Breaks Ground on New Campus

“A major milestone is being celebrated for the Reimagine the Greenwich Historical Society Campus Campaign with the official launch of the construction phase of the new campus. First announced to the public in November of 2015, the visionary $18.5 million campaign will enable the Historical Society to dramatically transform its campus to provide better access to its facilities and enrich its education and preservation programs.”
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The New York Times 04.03.2017
Muslim Culture Show a Hit at Children’s Museum of Manhattan

“’As a first-of-its-kind exhibition, the content of ‘America to Zanzibar’ is new for most visitors,’ said Andrew Ackerman, the museum’s executive director. ‘Many parents are eager for their children to experience a broad range of cultures in a deeper way than what they encounter in the media. Our exhibition helps address this need.’”
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The New York Times 09.22.2016
What to See in New York Art Galleries This Week

“Tragedy has always inspired art and literature, and the continuing saga of racism and violence against African-Americans provides another depressingly fertile chapter. “Off White” at the Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts, organized by Akintola Hanif, offers what an introductory wall text calls a “counternarrative”: Black artists depicting racial bias and challenging viewers to think about their own responsibilities within the system.”
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The New York Times 11.8.2015
Paul Allen’s Philanthropy Mirrors His Passions and Business Approach

“’It always comes back to what you are passionate about,’ said Mr. Allen, 62. Through philanthropy, he said, ‘you are transmitting your hopes, and keeping them going in the future.’”
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The New York Times 11.2.2015
Marc Benioff, Salesforce Chief, on the Strategic Benefits of Corporate Giving

“Besides his own giving, Mr. Benioff, 51, runs Salesforce with a “1-1-1” philosophy, annually donating 1 percent of its equity, 1 percent of its employee time and 1 percent of its product to nonprofits in communities where its employees live and work. That crossover of the once separate acts of traditional work and giving, he says, is a key part of building a company in a connected world.”
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The New York Times 10.31.2015
Major Foundations, Eager for Big Change, Aim High

“Climate change, inequality, and a broken criminal justice system are the issues du jour, commanding headlines and emerging as major talking points in the presidential campaign, at least for Democrats. They are also, increasingly, the focus of some of the nation’s largest philanthropies.”
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American Agora Foundation. (2015). Lapham’s Quarterly: Philanthropy. New York, NY: American Agora Foundation.


Christensen, Clayton M. The Innovator’s Dilemma: The Revolutionary Book that will change the way you do Business. New York: Harper Collins Publishing, 2003. (ISBN:  978-0060521998)


Christensen, Clayton M. The Innovator’s Solution: Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth.  New York: Harper Collins Publishing, 2003. (ISBN:   978-1578518524)


Kotter, John P. and Lorne A. Whitehead. Buy-In: Saving Your Good Idea from Getting Shot Down. Boston: Harvard Business Press, 2010. (ISBN: 978-1422157299)


Kotter, John P. A Sense of Urgency. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 2008. (ISBN: 978-1-4221-7971-0)


Hopkins, Karen Brooks, and Carolyn Stolper Friedman. Successful Fundraising for Arts and Cultural Organizations. Phoenix: The Oryx Press, 1997. (ISBN: 1-57356-029-4)


Rushkoff, Doug. Team Human. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2019. (ISBN: 978-0393651690)


Thaler, Linda Kaplan, and Robin Koval. The Power of Nice: How to Conquer the Business World with Kindness. New York: Doubleday, 2006. (ISBN: 0-385-51892-7)


Koszyn & Company Client Greenwich Historical Society Awarded the National Trust for Historic Preservation's Trustee Emeritus Award for Historic Site Stewardship for Koszyn & Company Project

In 2018 Greenwich Historical Society engaged Koszyn & Company to conduct the Feasibility Study and Case Statement for its five-year plan to advance its mission and make a greater contribution to the community, and, subsequently, run its Capital Campaign. At the heart of this capital project was the reimagining of its suburban campus to restore and integrate historic Toby’s Tavern into the National Historic Landmark Bush-Holley House site. Koszyn & Company helped conceive and create the organization’s first-ever Education Fund for underserved communities.


The state and national award-winning project attracted unprecedented public and private support with expanded revenue-producing events that provide a sustainable model for historic sites that seek to strengthen engagement with, and in service to, their constituents. Per the article written by Debra L. Mecky, Executive Director & CEO, Greenwich Historical Society on the National Trust for Historic Preservation Leadership Forum's website:


"Anonymous donors offered to match contributions dollar for dollar until the (funds) had been raised for the project, which inspired pledges from 100% of the board members. Jayme Koszyn and her team skillfully coached the staff and Capital Campaign Committee, chaired by Peter L. Malkin (...) through a highly successful three-year campaign."​

215 Park Avenue South, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10003        |        917-818-4355        |

Koszyn & Company is a limited liability company (LLC) registered with the New York State Charities Bureau.


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