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If there was a category for “Best Fundraising Counsel” in New York, Koszyn & Company would certainly head the list. What may be unique in the field is the firm’s competencies and strengths across a whole array of areas from major individual gifts solicitation, board development and engagement, campaign planning and case statements, foundation and corporation solicitation–including proposal writing–web design, prospect management and stewardship, and direct mail. I know of no other firm that can perform at this level in so many roles.


Former Director of Planned Giving, Museum of Modern Art

Board Member, Materials for the Arts

Advisory Board Member, National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts


Koszyn & Company combines creativity and innovation with the hard-nosed pragmatics of

simply getting the job done.


Senior Fellow, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

President Emerita, Brooklyn Academy of Music

Co-Author, Successful Fundraising for Arts and Cultural Organizations

Three words characterize their work: strategy, versatility, and integrity. Strategy because they are always thinking both in the short-term and in the long-term. Versatility in two ways: first, Koszyn & Company’s ability to engage individuals, foundations, and government sources, as well as galvanize Board members; and versatility in their services ranging from institutional plans to the day to day nitty gritty of packaging and submitting proposals. And finally, integrity: fundraising can be a complicated business, and Koszyn & Company takes great care to always make its process transparent to everyone involved. Koszyn & Company also has an extraordinary work ethic, always on deadline and great with follow-through. I work with and recommend many consultants to grantees, and Koszyn & Company is up there with the absolute best.


Program Director, Charles E. Culpepper Arts & Culture Program, Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Chairman, Cuban Artists Fund

Koszyn & Company has been indispensable in creating the Brooklyn Ballet’s programs, and then, by extension, “selling” them as “products” to the fundraising community. We went from nothing to being a real substantial cultural organization in Brooklyn. Ms. Koszyn has advised my Board and me on an ongoing basis on how to support our ambitious business plans and on how best to get us in front of those who can fund these plans, be it corporate, private foundation, government or private individuals. Thanks to Koszyn & Company’s work we have built our own capacity – in the Board and staff – to execute these strategic development plans. Their contribution to the Brooklyn Ballet, its programs and its mission has been extraordinary. I can say without hesitation that this never would have happened without Koszyn & Company.


Founding Artistic Director, Brooklyn Ballet

Koszyn & Company provides an insightful, imaginative and resourceful professionalism to a creative endeavor. The staff is original in thought and dynamic in facilitation. Koszyn & Company’s work advances our knowledge of art and community.


Executive Producer, Brooklyn Academy of Music

Starting a new ballet company is an exciting, yet daunting voyage. Anyone on board with Morphoses and Christopher has to be innovative and nimble, in both thought and process, and most importantly, believe in the cause and stay the course. Koszyn & Company was up for the challenge. Morphoses is about to embark on its second consultancy with Koszyn & Company. We chose Koszyn & Company and have stayed with them precisely because they possess all of these prerequisites and more. They are innovators, constantly communicating and urging us to think of the big picture, figuring out ways unique to Morphoses and its situation in order to adhere to its mission of becoming a viable and long-lived organization. They are nimble in thought and process, ready at any given moment to take any opportunity that presents itself and turn it into potential. We are honored to be counted as one of their clients.


Artistic Director, Miami City Ballet

Former Executive Director, Morphoses

215 Park Avenue South, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10003        |        917-818-4355        |

Koszyn & Company is a limited liability company (LLC) registered with the New York State Charities Bureau.


© 2023 by Koszyn & Company

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